Nina Zarina
Nina was born in March in cold Moscow, capital of the Russian Federation. She liked math and computer science, was a typical nerd til 25 years old, when she decided to run her first marathon in 2012.
After that, step by step, year by year, she took off seconds from her times, and is now running marathons quickly enough, but still trying to beat her personal bests. Addicted to M&M’s, she lives in the timeless quantum world, and leads operations at AdMill (AI marketing for businesses).
Personal bests
5K 16:25
10K 34:32
1/2 Marathon 1:10:07
Marathon 2:33:22
Running Career Highlights
Personal Best, 2021 California International marathon, 2:33:22
3rd place 2021 Los Angeles marathon, 2:37:36
Winner, 2021 Reveal Cottonwood Half marathon, Utah, 1:10:07
Winner, 2020 Dojo of Pain Invitational Marathon, DC, 2:37:52
Global Winner, 2021/2020 Wings For Life by RedBull (virtual run)
Winner, 2020 Atlanta Publix Half Marathon, 1:16:14
Moscow State Technical University
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Graduated in top 5% of the class, diploma with honors. Represented student’s interest on the students-union committee.