Ingrid Walters
Ingrid’s passion is acting. She’s done over 50 national commercials, numerous television shows and films. She chooses to have fun and live a stress free life.
Personal bests
5K 18:02
10K 37:55
Marathon 2:48.03
Half Marathon 1:22.28
Running Career Highlights
2014 3rd Place Masters Female Chicago Marathon
2014 2nd Place Female Overall Orange County Marathon
2016 USATF Masters Half Marathon Championship: 5th place Masters Woman Overall
2019 L.A. Marathon Winner of Women’s Open race, 2:48.03
2021 2nd Place 50+, 12th Overall USATF Masters XC Club Nationals Tallahassee,FL
2022 1st Place 50+, 8th Overall USATF Masters XC Championships Mission Bay, CA
1989-1991 UCLA Swim Team
15 Years Competitive Swimming
1990-2000 LA County Ocean Lifeguard
1996 USA National Lifeguard Team
Competed in the World Lifesaving Championships
Durban, South Africa
University of California, Los Angeles